Wind Elegy

"Wind Elegy" is the second song of Simon Sargon's song cycle Let It Be You.

Sheet music for Mr. Sargon's songs is available directly through the composer by contacting the following email address: [email protected].

The audio selection provided features Janeanne Houston, soprano, and Robert Jorgensen, piano. Used with the permission of the composer.

Date: 1988Composer: Simon SargonText: Sara TeasdaleSong Collection: Let It Be You

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Wind Elegy
by Sara Teasdale

Only the wind knows he is gone,
Only the wind grieves,
The sun shines, the fields are sown,
Sparrows mate in the eaves;

But I heard the wind in the pines he planted
And the hemlocks overhead,
“His acres wake, for the year turns,
But he is asleep,” it said.

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