Wild Nights — Wild Nights! (op. 112, no. 1)

Emily Dickinson was Arthur Farwell's favorite poet. During his sixties and seventies, he set thirty-nine of her poems to music. Thirty-four were published posthumously in Boosey & Hawkes' two-volume Thirty-Four Songs on Poems of Emily Dickinson by Arthur Farwell. "Wild Nights — Wild Nights!" op. 112, no. 1 is currently published in the second volume of Boosey & Hawkes' two-volume Thirty-Four Songs on Poems of Emily Dickinson by Arthur Farwell.

Date: 1949Composer: Arthur FarwellText: Emily Dickinson

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Wild Nights — Wild Nights! (poem 249)
by Emily Dickinson

Wild Nights — Wild Nights!
Were I with thee
Wild Nights should be
Our luxury!

Futile — the Winds —
To a Heart in port —
Done with the Compass —
Done with the Chart!

Rowing in Eden —
Ah, the Sea!
Might I but moor — Tonight —
In Thee!

Related Information

Sheet Music

Thirty-Four Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson

Composer(s): Arthur Farwell

Find at your Local Library

Thirty-Four Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Vol. 2

Composer(s): Arthur Farwell

Buy via Boosey & Hawkes

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