The Lacemaker

"The Lacemaker" is the fourth and final song of André Previn's song cycle Four Songs, which sets the text of Toni Morrison.

Date: 1994Composer: André PrevinText: Toni MorrisonSong Collection: Four Songs (André Previn)

Print vitals & song text


The Lacemaker
by Toni Morrison

I am as you see
what most becomes me:
miles skipped
cancelled trips
masters yet unmet.
Lace alone is loyal, sacred, royal,
in control
of crimes stopped
by patterns of blood bred to best
As you see I am
what has become of me.

Sheet Music

Four Songs (André Previn)

Composer(s): André Previn

Song(s): 1. Mercy
2. Stones
3. Shelter
4. The Lacemaker

Voice Type: Soprano

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