I Love You Truly

"I Love You Truly" was the first song written by a woman to sell over one million copies of sheet music. The music and lyrics were written by Carrie Jacobs-Bond.

The sheet music of "I Love You Truly" can be found in almost any album of wedding tunes.

Date: 1901Composer: Carrie Jacobs-BondText: Carrie Jacobs-Bond

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I Love You Truly
by Carrie Jacobs-Bond

I love you truly, truly dear,
Life with its sorrow, life with its tear
Fades into dreams when I feel you are near
For I love you truly, truly dear.
Ah! Love, ’tis something to feel your kind hand
Ah! Yes, ’tis something by your side to stand;
Gone is the sorrow, gone doubt and fear,
For you love me truly, truly dear.

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