The Nantucket Songs

Song Collection

Ned Rorem's song cycle Nantucket Songs was composed in 1979 and published in 1981. The song cycle is for high voice and piano.

Date: 1981Composer: Ned RoremText: Theodore Roethke, Christina Rossetti, William Carlos Williams

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1. “From whence cometh song?” (Theodore Roethke)
2. “The Dance” (William Carlos Williams)
3. “Nantucket” (William Carlos Williams)
4. “Go, lovely Rose” (Edmund Waller)
5. “Up-hill” (Christina Rossetti)
6. “Mother, I cannot mind my wheel” (Walter Savage Landor)
7. “Fear of death” (John Ashbery)
8. “Thoughts of a young girl” (John Ashbery)
9. “Ferry me across the water” (Christina Rossetti)
10. “The dancer” (Edmund Waller)


Sheet Music

The Nantucket Songs

Composer(s): Ned Rorem

Voice Type: High

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