Outdoor Shadows

Song Collection

Outdoor Shadows is a song cycle by David Leisner for high voice and guitar.

"Five poems by the great and under-recognized American 20th-century poet, Robert Francis, whose work is most often about nature and naturalness, beauty and simplicity..."


The audio selection in the player to the right features Gioia De Cari, soprano, and John Olson, guitar. The recording is from 2006 (released by Talking Cat Records). Used with the permission of the composer.

Date: 1985Composer: David LeisnerText: Robert Francis

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    Sheet Music

    Outdoor Shadows

    Composer(s): David Leisner

    Song(s): 1. Slow
    2. Homeward
    3. Yes, What?
    4. Seagulls
    5. Sing a Song of Juniper

    Buy via the Theodore Presser Company

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